Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Addition

I have been looking for a band saw for quite some time now.  There are a lot of people that have trepidation about craigslist and the people that are on there.  But I have had nothing but good luck looking for woodworking tools.  I had a great find on craigslist for my Delta table saw, jointer and thickness planer when I first started in woodworking and furniture making.  There was someone getting rid of their entire workshop from lack of use and I bought everything that I could afford. Since that day, I have been looking for a similar steal on a bandsaw… that was nearly 2 years ago.  And just yesterday, I found it.

I spent exactly what I was planning to spend on a brand new saw, the same brand and everything, but ended up getting a 3-4 model upgrade, stronger motor (2HP) and more capabilities due to a larger resaw height.

I don’t exactly have a project for it yet, but I do believe that I will use it on nearly every projects. Ripping rough stock to width no longer needs to be a scary exercise on the table saw, and I don’t have to worry about accuracy or excessive sanding with the jigsaw. I am also excited to do some re-sawing of thicker boards to fit my needs or for book-matching or just to simply spend less time with the planer.

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